The Shepherd of the Hills(1941). Cast: John Wayne and Harry Carey. It was Wayne's first film in Technicolor. The film was based on the novel of the same name by Harold Bell Wright.
It has been along time since I have seen Shepherd of the Hills. So I can not go into too much detail, but.. I do remember the beautiful mountain locations. You really get the feeling of the remoteness and for the people living in the hills who had little contact with the outside world. They believe in superstitions, curses and long-running feuds. The film is about the sudden appearance of a stranger, played by Harry Carey.
Carey was once a major silent Western star, but his more well known roles to modern viewers are in films: Mr Smith Goes to Washington and The Angel and the Badman and Red River. Wayne and Carey, worked well together their scenes are some of the highlights of their films. There are many familiar faces in the film, The Shepherd of the Hills such as: Marjorie Main, as an old blind woman, Beulah Bondi as a mean matriarch, Ward Bond and Betty Field who is wonderful as Wayne's girlfriend .
Shepherd of the Hills, has its fistfights and shootouts, but.. it also has many surprises too.

Harold Bell Wright Websight.
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